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Window washers, St. Agnes Hospital, Catonsville, Maryland, April 2011. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
In 2014, Maryland ranked 4th nationally in concentration of technology jobs: 86 of every 1,000 private sector workers. The average annual wage for employees in this field is $101,849, the eighth highest in the nation.
In 2014, Maryland ranked second in the nation in the fields of technology and science, as well as in human capital investment (Milken Institute index). Human capital investment is determined by creating a population average of SAT and ACT test scores, state education appropriations and spending, as well as academic degrees, particularly in the fields of engineering and sciences. Some 11,440 high-tech companies were located in Maryland as of 2013.
Approximately 81% of those working in Maryland are employed by the private sector, while federal, State, county and municipal governments employ 19% of the workforce.
Under Armour headquarters, Baltimore, Maryland, April 2015. Photo by Sarah A. Hanks.
Domino Sugar plant and cargo ship, Baltimore, Maryland, April 2015. Photo by Sarah A. Hanks.
Government employees in Maryland in 2013 numbered 487,073. Of these, 144,612 were federal workers, 100,379 worked for State government, and 242,082 were employed by county and municipal governments.
DAP world headquarters, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2015. Photo by Sarah A. Hanks.
In 2014, the University System of Maryland was the largest private employer in Maryland. The System employs 38,640 faculty and staff. Other leading employers in the State include The Johns Hopkins University; University of Maryland Medical System; Johns Hopkins Hospital; Walmart; and MedStar Health.
In 2013, Maryland had more than 166,317 businesses that employed over 2 million workers with an annual payroll of nearly $106 billion. In the manufacturing sector, sixteen of twenty industrial categories are represented with corporate headquarters of well-known businesses, such as Black & Decker, McCormick, and Lockheed Martin located in Maryland. Other businesses with their corporate headquarters in Maryland include Under Armour, Choice Hotels, DAP, and Goetze's Candy. Financial services is a growing sector in the Maryland economy. Brokerage firms, insurers, and other financial companies maintain their home operations or a significant presence in the State.
Source: Employment and Payrolls - Industry Series - Maryland 2012, Division of Workforce Development & Adult Learning, Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation.
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