The Department evaluates programs and services for Maryland citizens with disabilities. It coordinates and supports public and private agencies serving people with disabilities, provides information and referrals, and identifies and recommends ways to improve services.
State government compliance with laws and policies that affect persons with disabilities is monitored and encouraged by the Department. At least quarterly, the Department consults with and provides technical assistance to the Maryland Commission on Disabilities. The Department also promotes local or regional coordination of services to persons with disabilities.
Since July 2009, the Department is responsible for the annual observance in October of Disability History and Awareness Month (Executive Order 01.01.2009.10). The Department works to increase public awareness of the hisory of the disabilities rights movement, and collaborates with other State agencies on events and activities statewide that promote the annual observance.
Appointed by the Governor with Senate advice and consent, the Secretary of Disabilities heads the Department. With the approval of the Governor, the Secretary appoints the Deputy Secretary.
The Secretary chairs the Advisory Committee of the Technology Assistance Program and the Interagency Disabilities Board, co-chairs the Interagency Transition Council for Youth with Disabilities, and serves on the Governor's Executive Council; the Children's Cabinet; the Interagency Committee on Aging Services; the Maryland Commission on Autism; the Maryland Building Rehabilitation Code Advisory Council; the State Coordinating Council for Children; the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council; the State Coordinating Council for Human Services Transportation; the Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs; the Maryland Pandemic Influenza Coordinating Committee; the Mental Health Transformation Working Group; and the State Advisory Council on Quality Care at the End of Life.
Within the Office of Secretary are Communications, Interagency Affairs, the Office of Research and Evaluation, and the Chief of Staff. The Office is aided by the Maryland Commission on Disabilities, and the Interagency Disabilities Board.
Twenty members constitute the Commission. Eighteen are appointed to three-year terms by the Governor. One member is named by the Senate President, and one by the House Speaker. The Governor designates the chair for a two-year term (Code Human Services Article, secs. 7-119 through 7-124).
The Board consists of thirteen ex officio members and representatives of State government agencies whom the Governor may designate.
For individuals with disabilities, their families, and caregivers, the Program provides assistance with information, referrals, resource listings, and access.
Formerly under the Office for Individuals with Disabilities, the Technology Assistance Program (MDTAP) was reassigned to the Department of Disabilities in July 2004.
The Program provides information and technology services to people with disabilities. To enhance the quality of life for Marylanders with disabilities, the Program helps people to locate, evaluate, and purchase adaptive devices. The Program offers technology-related training and referrals in cooperation with the Department of Aging, the Division of Rehabilitation Services of the State Department of Education, and the Developmental Disabilities Administration of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Three model technology demonstration centers have been established by the Program at Cumberland, Hagerstown, and Salisbury. A main site lies at the Maryland Rehabilitation Center in Baltimore where technology resource specialists serve.
Created in 1990, the Program is governed by the federal Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-407; P.L. 103-218). The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research of the U.S. Department of Education funds the Program. Maryland was one of the first states to receive such a grant. Federal funding continues until September 30, 2002.
The Program helps individuals with disabilities purchase assistive technology equipment to enable them to become more independent and more productive.
The Board of Directors of the Assistive Technology Loan Program consists of eleven members. Eight are appointed by the Governor; one by the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene; and one by the State Superintendent of Schools. One serves ex officio (Code Human Services Article, secs. 7-604 through 7-609).
The Program provides funds for aides to
assist severely disabled adults with daily tasks, such as
bathing, dressing, meals, and transportation (Code Human Services Article, secs. 7-401 through 7-406).
For disabled persons aged 18 to 64, Community Living Policy coordinates personal assistance services, and works
to find ways to increase current services. Personal
assistance services are tasks which maintain health,
personal appearance, comfort, and safety.
The Maryland Commission on Disabilities started as the Maryland Advisory Council for Individuals with Disabilities. Formerly under the Office for Individuals with Disabilities, the Council reformed as the Maryland Commission on Disabilities within the Department of Disabilities in July 2004 (Chapter 425, Acts of 2004). The Commission advises the Department of Disabilities. The Commission reviews statewide programs for persons with disabilities and fosters coordination and support for these programs.
In July 2004, the Interagency Disabilities Board was established to develop the State Disabilities Plan (Chapter 425, Acts of 2004; Code Human Services Article, secs. 7-127 through 7-132). The Secretary must request the Board to revise the Plan at least once every four years (Chapter 207, Acts of 2010).
The Chief of Staff oversees Finance and Information Technology, as well as two programs: Constituent Services; and Technology Assistance.
The Constituent Services Program was assigned to the Department of Disabilities in July 2004 (Chapter 425, Acts of 2004).
2301 Argonne Drive, Room T-17, Baltimore, MD 21218
The Advisory Committee, formerly the Management Committee, first was appointed by the Governor in December 1989 to oversee the Technology Assistance Program. The Secretary of Disabilities chairs the Committee.
Within the Office for Individuals with Disabilities, the Assistive Technology Loan Program originated in 1999 as the Assistive Technology Guaranteed Loan Program (Chapter 468, Acts of 1999). The Program has been overseen by the Department of Disabilities since July 2004 (Code Human Services Article, secs. 7-601 through 7-616). In July 2008, the Program received its present name (Chapter 62, Acts of 2008).
Applications for loan guarantees and loan interest subsidies for assistive technology equipment are evaluated by the Board of Directors of the Assistive Technology Loan Program.
The Deputy Secretary is responsible for the Access Maryland Program, the Attendant Care Program, and seven policy units: Community Living Policy; Education Policy; Emergency Preparedness Policy; Employment Policy; Health and Behavioral Health Policy; Housing Policy; and Transportation Policy.
The Access Maryland Program assists State agencies with ensuring that their facilities are in compliance with federal mandates requiring accessibility for persons with disabilities.
Formerly in the Community Services Administration of the Department of Human Resources, the Attendant Care Program transferred to the Department of Disabilities in July 2005 (Chapter 439, Acts of 2005).
Community Living Policy started as the Office of Personal
Assistance Services created in 1998 within the
Department of Human Resources. In July 2005, the Office
transferred to the Department of Disabilities (Chapter 439,
Acts of 2005) and reorganized as Long-Term Care Policy. In August 2007, it was renamed Community Integration Policy and assumed responsibility for the Attendant Care Program. In 2008, it reorganized under its current name.
The Employed Individuals With Disabalitites Program provides health care coverage for a small fee to eligible employed Marylanders with disabilities. The Program is administered jointly by the Department of Disabilities and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
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