Origin: The form of Talbot County's creation, though not known, probably was by virtue of an order of the Governor in Council. The County was in existence by February 18, 1661/ 62, when a writ was issued to the sheriff. The County was named after Lady Grace Talbot, sister of Cecilius Calvert, Second Lord Baltimore, and wife of Sir Robert Talbot, Irish statesman.
Boundaries: Bounded north by Queen Anne's County & Wye River; east by Caroline County; south & southwest by Choptank River; west by Chesapeake Bay.
County Charter
County Code
County Seat: Easton, MD 21601
Form of Government: Charter since 1973
Population: 1990 census: 30,549; 2000 census: 33,812; 2010 census: 37,782
State's Attorneys
Talbot County Courthouse, 11 North Washington St., Easton, Maryland, February 2005. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Chesapeake College: www.chesapeake.edu
Circuit Court: www.courts.state.md.us/clerks/talbot/index.html
Corrections Dept.: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=department_corrections
County Council: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=County_Council
County Government: www.talbotcountymd.gov
County Government Directory: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=contact_information
Economic Development Office: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=economic_development
Elections Board: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=Election_Board
Emergency Management Agency: www.talbotdes.org/default.asp
Health Dept.: http://dhmh.maryland.gov/talbotcounty/SitePages/Home.aspx
Job Service: www.dllr.state.md.us/county/talbot/
Library: www.talb.lib.md.us
Parks & Recreation Dept.: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=Parks_and_Recreation
Permits & Inspections Office: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=Permits_and_Inspections
Planning & Zoning Office: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=Planning_and_Zoning
Public Schools: www.tcps.k12.md.us
Public Works Dept.: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=Public_Works
Register of Wills: http://registers.maryland.gov/main/talbot.html
Roads Dept.: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=Roads
Sheriff: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=sheriff
Social Services Dept.: www.dhr.state.md.us/blog/?p=249
State's Attorney: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=States_Attorney
Maryland Manual On-Line, 2015
July 1, 2015
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