Member of House of Delegates, last representing District 5B (Baltimore County), January 8, 1975 to November 30, 2014. Resigned November 30, 2014. Member, Environmental Matters Committee, 1975-78; Ways and Means Committee, 1979-86; Economic Matters Committee, 1987-2003 (real property subcommittee, 1995-98; unemployment insurance subcommittee, 1995-98; real estate & housing subcommittee, 1999-2003; health insurance subcommittee, 1999-2003; banking, economic development, science & technology subcommittee, 2003; property & casualty insurance subcommittee, 2003); Joint Committee on State Economic Development Initiatives, 1995-96; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 1995-2003; House Facilities Committee, 1995-2005; Special Joint Committee on Competitive Taxation and Economic Development, 1996-97; Joint Audit Committee, 1999-14; Special Committee on Higher Education Affordability and Accessibility, 2003-04; Health and Government Operations Committee, 2003-14 (government operations subcommittee, 2003-04; health facilities, equipment & products subcommittee, 2003-04; health insurance subcommittee, 2003-04; health occupations subcommittee, 2004-05; insurance subcommittee, 2004-14; health facilities & occupations subcommittee, 2005-14); Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 2003-14; Medical Malpractice Insurance Work Group, 2004; Joint Legislative Task Force on Small-Group Market Health Insurance, 2005-07; Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 2007; Protocol Committee, 2007-14; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 2008-14; Joint Committee on Health Care Delivery and Financing, 2011-14; Joint Committee on Transparency and Open Government, 2011-14; Work Group to Review Disclosure Requirements of the Public Ethics Law, 2012-13; Regional Revitalization Work Group, 2013-14; Joint Oversight Committee on the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange, 2014. Vice-Chair, Baltimore County Delegation, 2002-14. Member, Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, 2001-14; Maryland Bicycle and Pedestrian Caucus, 2003-14; Taxpayers Protection Caucus, 2003-14; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2005-14.
Presidential Elector, Maryland, 1972. Member, Governor's Commission on Emotionally Disabled Children and Adolescents, 1981-83; Child Support Enforcement Advisory Council, 1983-86; Task Force to Examine the Applicability of Manufacturing Laws to High-Technology Businesses, 1997; Task Force on Regulatory Reform, 1999-2001. Member, Task Force on the Membership and Operation of the Baltimore County Board of Education, 2011; Local and Regional Transportation Funding Task Force, 2013.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, July 19, 1947. Attended Baltimore City public schools; Baltimore Polytechnic Institute; Towson State College; Western Maryland College, B.A. (mathematics), 1970. Mathematics teacher, 1970-92, and former auditor for Baltimore County Public Schools. Chair, Maryland Federation of College Republicans, 1970. Member, Republican State Central Committee, Baltimore City, 1970-73. Elected Delegate, Republican Party National Convention, 1988, 2000. Member, Timonium Optimists; North Baltimore County Republican and Civic Organization; Ashland Community Organization. Past member, Teachers Association of Baltimore County; Maryland State Teachers Association; National Education Association. Past member, Parents Anonymous of Maryland; Reisterstown-Owings Mills-Glyndon Coordinating Council; Reisterstown-Owings Mills-Glyndon Chamber of Commerce. Received honors from New Home Buyers Protection Group; Disabled American Veterans; Veterans of Foreign Wars; Maryland Coalition Against Crime; Teachers Association of Baltimore County; Maryland Association of Ophthalmic Dispensers. Award, Maryland Society of Accountants, 1999. Casper R. Taylor, Jr., Founder's Award, House of Delegates, 2006. Married.
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