James S. Chesley, Jr., M.D.; Roger C. Merrill, M.D.; Vinaychandra K. Shah, M.D. Terms expire 2015.
Margaret E. O'Kane; Marcos Pesquera; Jon Shematek, M.D.; Christine R. Wray; two vacancies. Terms expire 2016.
Barbara J. Epke; Kathleen M. White, R.N., Ph.D.; Nicolette Highsmith Vernick; one vacancy. Terms expire 2017.
Herbert R. O'Conor State Office Building, 201 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland, December 2000. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
c/o Office of Secretary, Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene
Herbert R. O'Conor State Office Building, 201 West Preston St., Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-5660
e-mail: sara.cherico@maryland.gov
web: http://dhmh.state.md.us/mhqcc/
The Governor created the Maryland Health Quality and Cost Council in October 2007 (Executive Order 01.01.2007.24). In May 2011, the Council was reconstituted (Executive Order 01.01.2011.09).
The Council recommends priorities for health care quality improvement and cost containment. To improve the quality of health care and limit its costs, the Council facilitates cooperation and collaboration among medical groups, hospitals, health care providers, health insurance carriers, State and local government agencies, and professional oversight and licensing boards.
The Council is developing a chronic care management plan to improve the quality and cost effectiveness of care for individuals with chronic illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. Also, the Council will facilitate the integration of health information technology in health care systems to ensure that such technology is used to its fullest potential. The Council may examine other issues and make recommendations to improve health care quality and value throughout Maryland.
Appointed by Maryland Health Quality & Cost Council:
Lisa A. Cooper, M.D., Co-Chair
Marcos Pesquera, Co-Chair
Salliann Alborn; Linda Aldoory, Ph.D.; Thomas E. Arthur; Brandon Batiste; Cyntrice Bellamy-Mills; Janice Berry-Edwards, Ph.D.; Olivia Carter-Pokras, Ph.D.; Roger S. Clark; E. Keith Colston; Florence Veronica Deza, M.D.; Doris Dzameshie, Ph.D.; Earl Ettiene, Pharm.D.; Wendy Friar, R.N.; Columbus Giles, M.D.; Maria S. Gomez; Larry Gourdine; Leslie E. Grant, D.D.S.; Austria Lavigne Hooks, M.D.; Dianne Houston-Crockett; Jerry Howard II; Anna Maria Izquierdo-Porrera, M.D., Ph.D.; Cheryl B. Jones; Verna L. Jones-Rodwell; Niharika Khanna, M.D.; Sandra E. Kick; Yemisi Koya, J.D., M.D.; Betty M. Lam; Thomas A. LaVeist, Ph.D.; Susan A. Leggett-Johnson, M.D.; Chimene Liburd, M.D.; Yolanda Maria Welch Martinez; Monica McCann; Sonia E. Mora; Yolanda Ogbolu, Ph.D.; Philip Osteen, Ph.D.; Ligia Peralta, M.D.; Carol I. Reynolds, M.D.; Scharmaine A. Robinson; Lorraine W. Smith; William B. Talley, Rh.D.; Kima Joy Taylor, M.D.; Daniel Teraguchi, Ed.D.; Fredette West; Cheri C. Wilson; Aerlande P. Wontamo; Sherman Yen, Ph.D.; Mohammed Younis, M.D.
In June 2012, the Maryland Health Quality and Cost Council was authorized to convene a work group to consider standards for cultural and linguistic competency for medical and behavioral health treatment (Chapter 3, Acts of 2012). The Cultural Competency Work Group was assigned that work.
In December 2013, the Work Group submitted its report.
Margaret E. O'Kane, Chair
(formerly Chronic Care Work Group)
Frances B. Phillips, R.N., Chair
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