Secretary of Juvenile Services, July 1, 2003 to January 17, 2007. Secretary of Juvenile Justice, March 4, 2003 to June 30, 2003. Acting Secretary of Juvenile Justice, January 15 to March 4, 2003.
Member, Mayor's Energy Conservation Commission, Baltimore City, 1982-87. Member, Appellate Judicial Nominating Commission, 1983-86; Advisory Board of the Shelter, Nutrition and Service Program, 1984-86.
Kenneth C. Montague, Jr., Secretary of Juvenile Services, February 2003. Photo by Richard Lippenholz.
Member, Herring Run Public Watershed Association Commission, 1989; Governor's Employment and Training Council, 1989-91; Governor's Council on Adolescent Pregnancy, 1990-91; Task Force on Juvenile Justice Reform of Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, 1995-97; Executive Committee, Council of State Governments, 1995-97; Family Violence Council, 1995-99; President's Intergovernmental Policy Advisory Committee for Trade, Office of U.S. Trade Representative, 1995-; Governor's Task Force on the Fair Imposition of Capital Punishment in Maryland, 1996; Maryland Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 1996-99; Commission on Juvenile Justice Jurisdiction, 1998-2001; State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 1999-2001. Member, Governor-elect's Transition Team, 2002-03.
Member, Governor's Executive Council, 2003-07. Chair, Task Force to Study Alternative Living Arrangements for Children in Out-of-Home Placement, 2003-04. Member, Drug and Alcohol Council, 2003-04; Task Force to Study the Mentoring and Monitoring of Children in the Custody of or under the Supervision of the Department of Juvenile Services, 2003-04; Governor's Workforce Investment Board, 2003-04; Subcabinet for Children, Youth, and Families, 2003-05; Cabinet Council on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, 2003-05; State Commission on Public Safety Technology and Critical Infrastructure, 2003-05; Cease Fire Council, 2003-07; State Child Fatality Review Team, 2003-07; Correctional Training Commission, 2003-07; Judges, Masters and Juvenile Justice Committee, 2003-07; State Advisory Board for Juvenile Services, 2003-07; Interdepartmental Advisory Committee for Minority Affairs, 2003-07; Maryland School-Based Health Center Policy Advisory Council, 2003-07; Governor's Commission on Service and Volunteerism, 2003-07; State's Attorneys Liaison Committee, 2003-07; State Board of Victim Services, 2003-07; Task Force to Study Criminal Offender Monitoring by Global Positioning Systems, 2004-05; Governor's Commission on Quality Education in Maryland, 2004-05 (subcommittee on school & community linkages); Coordinating Council for Juvenile Services Educational Programs, 2004-07; Maryland State Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, 2004-07; Advisory Council for Children, 2005-07; Children's Cabinet, 2005-07; Mental Health Transformation Working Group, 2005-07; Delinquency Prevention and Diversion Services Task Force, 2006-07; Governor's Council on Family Violence Prevention, 2006-07.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, August 25, 1942. Attended Loyola High School, Towson, Maryland; University of Maryland; Morgan State College, B.A. (english literature), 1967. Volunteer, U.S. Peace Corps in Lesotho, South Africa, 1967-71. University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1977. Attorney. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (section of labor & employment law; section of negligence, insurance, & workers' compensation). Chair, Maryland Committee for UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund). President, Baltimore Neighborhoods, Inc., 1983-87. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 1988. Vice-Chair, Maryland Citizen Action Fund. Board of Directors, Eubie Blake Cultural Center; National Abortion Rights Action League. Member, Aspen Institute Nonprofit Sector Strategy Group, 1999-. Chair, Center for Advocacy and Governmental Ethics, 2001- (board of directors, 2001-). Legislator Recognition Award, Maryland Association of Counties, 1999. Two children.
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