Appointed by Governor: Brig. Gen. William C. Bilo U.S.A. (ret.), Thomas B. Insley, Sr.; Sandy V. Lofton; Tracy E. Miller; Frederick E. Porter; Capt. Constance A. Walker, U.S.N. (ret.).
Appointed by Senate President: Douglas J. J. Peters
Appointed by House Speaker: Mary Ann Love
Ex officio: Lt. Col. Michael E. Gafney, designee of Adjutant General; Brian M. Hepburn, designee of Secretary of Health & Mental Hygiene; James A. Adkins, Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
Staff: Marie L. Grant
c/o Department of Legislative Services
Legislative Services Building, 90 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 946-5350, (301) 970-5350; 1-800-492-7122 (toll free)
The Task Force to Study State Assistance to Veterans initially formed in July 2006 and reformed in June 2007 (Chapter 290, Acts of 2006; Chapters 197 & 198, Acts of 2007). The Task Force considered what services are provided to veterans, their families and survivors, and what services they need, including medical and hospice care, and mental health services. The feasibility of establishing homes for veterans, and regional outreach and advocacy centers was evaluated as well. In addition, the Task Force was to guage the potential impact on the provision of services to increased numbers of veterans returning from recent military conflicts; and seek ways to improve outreach to women who are eligible for veteran-related benefits.
The Task Force submitted its interim report to the Governor and General Assembly in January 2008 and its final report in December 2008. Authorization for the Task Force ended May 31, 2009.
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