Member, Maryland Alzheimer's and Related Disorders Commission, 2012; Task Force to Study the Establishment of a Deaf Culture Digital Library, 2012-13; Health and Human Services Referral Board, 2013-; Task Force to Study Access to Pharmacy Services in Maryland, 2014-15; Council on Open Data, 2014-.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, March 24, 1954. University of Maryland College Park, B.S. (speech & hearing sciences), 1976; M.A. (speech pathology), 1978. Field Liaison, National Education Association Foundation, 2010-. Speech-language pathologist, St. Mary's County public schools, 1978-81. Special education teacher, Montgomery County public schools, 1981-2000. Coordinator, Teacher Professional Growth System, 2000-03. President, Montgomery County Education Association, 2003-09. Chair, Committee for Montgomery, 2006-07. Founding member, Equity in Education Coalition, 2005-. Member, National Education Association, 1978-; Maryland Now, 2010-. Member, District 19 Democratic Club; Montgomery County Chapter, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
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