Member, Board of County Commissioners, Carroll County, representing District 2, December 6, 2010 to December 2, 2014 (vice-president, Dec. 8, 2010 to Dec. 6, 2011; secretary, Dec. 6, 2011 to Dec. 6, 2013). Board of Directors, Baltimore Metropolitan Council, 2010-14 (vice-chair, 2012; chair, 2013). Board of Health, Carroll County, 2010-14. Board of Visitors, R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, University of Maryland Medical System, 2011-.
Member, Hampstead Ethics Commission, 1995-97. Member, Hampstead Town Council, 1997-2003; Hampstead Planning and Zoning Commission, 1997-2003. Mayor of Hampstead, 2003-10.
Member, Economic Development Commission, Carroll County, 2005-10.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 26, 1965. Attended North East High School, North East, Maryland; University of Maryland Baltimore County, B.A. (political science), 1987. Served in Army National Guard, 1987-89. Widener University School of Law, J.D., magna cum laude, 1992. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1992. Attorney. Law Office of Haven Shoemaker, Hampstead, Maryland, 1994-. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Carroll County Bar Association (board of directors). Board of Directors, Carroll County Habitat for Humanity; Marriage Resource Center of Carroll County. Member, Hampstead Business Association; Hampstead Lions Club; Westminster Elks. Past president, Carroll County Chapter, Maryland Municipal League. Award, Northern News, 2011. Member, Westminster Baptist Church, Westminster, Maryland. Married; one child.
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