e-mail: curtanderson43@aol.com
Member, Governor's Task Force to Study Alternative College Financing Methods, 1987; Governor's Commission on Maryland Military Monuments, 1989-95; State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy, 2003-; Task Force to Study the Laws and Policies relating to Representation of Indigent Criminal Defendants by the Office of the Public Defender, 2012-14. Member, Mayor's Working Group on the Use and Implementation of [Police] Body-Worn Cameras, Baltimore City, 2014-.
Born in Chicago, Illinois, October 12, 1949. Attended Baltimore City College; Rutgers University; Morgan State College, B.A. (political science), 1974; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1987. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1988. Attorney. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (section of criminal law & practice); Monumental City Bar Association. Criminal investigator, Pretrial Release Services, Baltimore, 1971-74. Job counselor, Baltimore Urban League, 1973-75. Former broadcast journalist, WBAL-TV (channel 11-Baltimore). Anchor, WMAR-TV (channel 2-Baltimore), 1975-82. Member, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, 1975-82. Life member, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Board of Provident Hospital, 1978-82. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 1992, 2008. Co-founder, 43/44 Democratic Club. Member, Mount Royal Democratic Club; New Democratic Club. Chair, Baltimore City College School Improvement Team, 1997-99. Chair, Board of Directors, Northwood Baseball League, 1999-2001. Defender of Defenders Award, Office of Public Defender, 2008. Member, Ray of Hope Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland. Four children; one grandchild.
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