Member of House of Delegates, January 14, 1987 to January 8, 2003. Member, Judiciary Committee, 1990-94; Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1995-2003 (motor vehicles subcommittee, 1999-2003; chair, transportation & motor vehicles subcommittee, 1995-98); Special Committee on Rail Mergers, 1997; Joint Committee on Protocol. Vice-Chair, Baltimore City Delegation, 1991-2003 (vice-chair, liaison work group).
Member, Governor's Commission on Baltimore City Automobile-Insurance Rate Reduction, 1995.
Born in Baltimore, Maryland, September 23, 1931. Attended Baltimore Polytechnic Institute; University of Baltimore. Former insurance salesman. Administrative officer, Motor Vehicle Administration, 1972-94. Recipient of numerous community and veterans citations. Recipient for four years, Community Service Award for work as a chair of United Charity Campaign. Member, St. Casimir Roman Catholic Church, Canton. Married; one son. Died January 20, 2009, at Hunt Valley, Maryland.
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