Democrat, District 36, Cecil, Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne's and Talbot Counties
Member of House of Delegates, January 11, 1995 to January 8, 2003. Member, Joint Subcommittee on Program Open Space and Agricultural Land Preservation, 1995-98, 1999; Appropriations Committee, 1995-2003 (oversight committee on program open space & agricultural land preservation, 1995-2003; capital budget subcommittee, 1997-2003; oversight committee on pensions, 2002-03; vice-chair, public safety & administration subcommittee, 1997-2003; chair, oversight committee on personnel, 1999-2003); Joint Committee on Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas, 1995-2003; Joint Committee on Pensions, 1996-2003; Task Force to Study the State's Retiree Health Insurance Liabilities, 2002-03. Chair, Queen Anne's County Delegation, 1995-2003.
Member, Board of County Commissioners, Queen Anne's County, 1986-90. Member, Chesapeake Bay Trust, 1995-2001; Commission to Study Ways to Improve the Financial Viability of the Racing Industry, 1997-99; Statewide 800-MHz Communications System Oversight Committee, 1999; Governor's Task Force on Eastern Shore Economic Development, 1999-2001; Task Force to Study the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, 2000-01; Mid-Shore Regional Council, 2001-03; Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland, 2001-03. Born in Easton, Maryland, November 26, 1946. Attended Centreville High School. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1964-68. Businessman. Member, Queen Anne's County Democratic Central Committee, 1974-78. Member, Kent Narrows Development Foundation. Man of the Year, Jaycees, 1980. Inducted into American Powerboat Association, 1987. Married; three children.
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July 1, 2015
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