Member of House of Delegates, January 13, 1999 to January 8, 2003, representing District 34 (Harford County), and January 10, 2007 to January 12, 2011, representing District 34A (Cecil & Harford Counties). Member, Commerce and Government Matters Committee, 1999-2003 (transportation subcommittee, 1999-2003); Health and Government Operations Committee, 2007-11 (health facilities & occupations subcommittee, 2007-11; insurance subcommittee, 2007-11); Joint Committee on Base Realignment and Closure, 2008-11.
Born in London, England, February 16, 1946. Attended Baltimore City College; Towson State University, B.S. (education), 1978, M.A. (education), 1984. Harford County teacher (social studies), 1978-2006. Summer crew chief, coordinator, Maryland Conservation Corps, 1983-93. Co-founder, Concerned Citizens for Maryland's Environment, 1986. Board of Directors, Edgewood Multi-Purpose Youth Center, 1986-94. Member, Century Edgewood Lion's Club, 1986-96 (former president; youth activity coordinator; chair, environmental committee); Sons of the American Legion, Post no. 128 (former secretary, post no. 17). Co-founder, Neighbors Involved in the Community of Edgewood (NICE), 1991. Past judge, Youth Debates on Energy, Harford County Forensic League. Alumni member, Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society. Award, National Association of Service & Conservation Corps, 1991. Married; one child.
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